Finally!! An essential course for the treatment of concussion injuries, PCS and TBI’s (really!).
This is treatment based hands-on seminar that overviews the anatomy, pathology and  background
of concussion injuries. Learn how NEW science is proving long-term industry held beliefs and status-quo therapies dead wrong.  Fully understand which therapeutic modalities and techniques  inhibit or accelerate concussion and TBI recovery.

Learn how to heal concussions from the inside out! An evidenced based presentation on the ultimate BRAIN protocol, integrating science, neurology with eastern medicine to “unwind” the patient and produce real time functional outcomes that are impossible to produce using other modalities and therapeutic approaches.

First real time concussion seminar ever offered! Don’t miss this chance to start helping your suffering brain injured patients, friends or family members from this awful and poorly addressed syndrome.

Acumed recognizes your passion towards healing and wishes all the best in the Year of the Rooster!