Page 6 - Scar Release Therapy Brochure April 25 2018
P. 6


   Published Scar Release Research

Successfully Treat                                                   MPS Scar Release: Pre-Post -48 Hrs N=51
Pain: Apply MPS
to Scars                                                             7

Scars and trauma have long been recognized                           6
in neural therapy as a source of chronic pain
as a result of Autonomic Nervous System                              5
upregulation (stress). They are now known
to affect stress, fascia and form adhesions,     Pain Levels (0-10)                                 -58% Initial  -73% Follow
all of which cause pain & disease.
                                                                     4                              Pain          up Pain
Applying MPS through scars re-establishes
metabolism, releasing fascia, stress & pain. .                                                      Reduction     Reduction

Scars have systemic influence on chronic pain!                       3
Science now reports 90% of pain caused by
scars is located distally. Scars & traumas play                      2
a significant catalytic role in the current
chronic pain crisis throughout the USA.                              1
Research reports 73% pain relief after
MPS-Scar Release (JCNB).                                             0                                ain Post    Follow up Pain - 2 Days after
                                                                                    Initial Pain P  Treatment                  Treatment
If you’re not treating scars, HOW are you
treating pain?                                                          MPS Scar Release provided 73%
                                                                                  Overall Pain Relief

                                                 Pain Location Total No. 51 Percentage 100%

                                                 Back                                               20 39.2%

                                                 Neck                                               9 17.6%

                                                 Shoulder 8 15.6%

                                                 Hip 4 7.84%

                                                 Finger/Hand                                        3             5.88%

                                                 Abdomen                                            3             5.88%

                                                 Arm 1 1.96%

                                                 Knee                                               1 1.96%

                                                 Scapula (shoulder)                                 1             1.96%

                                                 Total                                              51 100%

                                                 Scar Location                                      Total No. 51  Percentage 100%
                                                 Abdomen                                                  31            60.70%
                                                 Knee                                                      8             15.6%
                                                 Hernia (abdomen)                                          3             5.88%
                                                 Ankle                                                     3             5.88%
                                                 Breast                                                    2              3.9%
                                                 Neck                                                      2              3.9%
                                                 Wrist/Hand                                                2              3.9%
                                                 Total                                                    51              100%
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