Scar Release & Vagal Tone Therapy for Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a health care profession focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neuro musculo skeletal disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.

The stress reducing benefits of Dolphin-MPS are the perfect adjunct to Chiropractic care as both modalities are functional and designed to regulate the autonomic nervous system.

The Hottest therapies in Chiropractic right now:-

Scar Release Therapy &  Chiropractic:

Scars are now recognized as a key source of physical stress. Scars directly connect to the skin through the peripheral and central nervous systems, so any injury to the skin or underlying fascia will cause a prolonged sympathetic response. It is theorized that each surgery or injury compounds this stress aggravation until the sympathetic nervous system goes into hyper load, resulting in disease or prolonged chronic post-surgical pain

It is reported in science that 1/3 of patients undergoing common surgical procedures report persistent or intermittent pain, called chronic post surgical pain (CPSP), of varying severity at one year postoperatively. (The Lancet 2016)

Scars influence spinal joint dysfunction and pain! 85% of refractory back pain unresolved by chiropractic care IS caused by scars far remove from the spine.

Scars Hidden Influence

  • Scars activate stress and suppress vagal tone (parasympathetic)

  • Scars cause formation of internal adhesions

  • Scars injure fascia causing structural imbalances.

  • Scars block circulation and lymph flow

  • Scars cause chronic pain throughout the ENTIRE body

Scar Therapy (SRT) releases fascia adhesions to improve skeletal mobility to allow body-wide muscle balance. Introducing SRT as an adjunct therapy into Chiropractic can reduce muscle tone and repetitive dysfunction patterns in joints to improve motor control prior to manipulation, reducing strain on the treating chiropractor.

SRT is a non-invasive therapy that easily integrates into any Chiropractic clinical setting for significantly improvement in patient outcomes. Scar Release Therapy is proven in published science to provide 73% (IJCAM 2016) and 82% (OGN 2017) pain relief after a single application.

Scar Therapy (SRT) can be applied effectively by support staff without further time allocation from the chiropractor. 

Deep Vagal Nerve Stimulation – Activating Parasympathetic Vagal Tone

Vagus nerves are the “brakes of the human body, providing restoration and repair, digestion and detoxification, immunologic balance, and providing our innate sense of vitality and well-being. This control of the sympatho-vagal response is mediated through the 10th cranial nerve (vagus nerve) and results in slowing of the heart rate, controlling sweating, regulating blood pressure, stimulating peristalsis and controlling vascular and muscle tone.​

Dolphin VNS is proven in science to REDUCE stress to ACTIVATE vagal tone. Dolphin increased vagal tone 56% {Med Acup), to the lower back 70% {JCNB).

Compared to leading pain modalities, dVNS produces thousands of times MORE vagal Tone enhancement than:
Massage Therapy

When Dolphin is compared to leading competitor Pointer Excel, t significantly surpassed competition {61 vs 15%). Dolphin can provide immediate vagal tone improvement prior to manual or chiropractic care.

DVNS, is an unattended therapy that can be safely applied to the patient.  MPS therapy with Dolphin Neurostim can be seamlessly incorporated in to any practice style as a stand alone service, as a pre and post therapy modality or during the therapy sessions to achieve maximal outcome with minimal effort. 

Scar Release & Vagal Stim Targets the Central Sensitization of pain (CNS)

Dolphin produces dramatic changes throughout the CNS and ANS to produce significant functional changes throughout the body.

Dolphin Scar & VNS Therapy creates widespread effects on the nervous system including regulation of myofascial trigger points and neurogenic inflammation. Dolphin research provides a basis for chiropractors to make informed evidence-based choices for modalities microcurrent link) and therapeutic direction link mps therapy) of treatment.

Inclusion of Dolphin Scar & VNS Therapy

allows the chiropractor to treat a wider variety of difficult and chronic cases effectively, without spending long periods of time with complex patients. This enables better outcomes, without sacrificing efficiency.

VNS Passive therapy (15 minutes) on a post-op shoulder trauma patient


Post – Treatment